Saturday, December 15, 2018


O.A.R? Yes oar. I'm sure that we know that an oar is "a pole with a flat blade, pivoting in an oar lock, used to row or steer a boat through the water."* But it means more than that for me.

Image result for oar in waterA few weeks ago, when I thinking about  surviving crisis and the words "overcoming adversity resiliently" came to mind. You may notice that the first letter of each word spells "Oar." 

I decided to write about this because it's an important matter to discuss because adversity will come to you whether or not you are expecting it.

We expect people to overcome their adversities however, it is important for us to overcome them resiliently. 

Being resilient is the ability to withstand and/or recover (quickly) from difficult or challenging situation. Reading Robert H. Schuller's book "Tough times never last, tough people do!" published in 1983 highlights the importance of being resilient.

Jamais Cascio put it differently:
"Resilience is about being able to overcome the unexpected. 
Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive."
Image result for bounce back
Sometimes we just want to survive challenges (i.e. bouncing back) versus focusing on how to bounce back higher. However, the way to truly fulfill our purpose in life is to not just bounce back but to bounce back higher...

This is where the oar concept comes in. An oar is an instrument that helps rowers through the water - irrespective of how stormy it may be. Likewise being resilient is what keeps us going and overcoming adversity despite how challenging the situation is.

I'm sure that you have heard the saying "don't rest on your oars" - which means don't be relax after achieving a goal. On the flip side, we should not stay down if we've been "put down" by adversity.

As the year winds down, take the time to look back and if you've had any adversities as I have, remember your oar and overcome adversities resiliently. Keep rowing. Keep going. You can do it!  

Picture: Yellowstone raft

Saturday, December 1, 2018


What comes to mind when you hear the word: "Vibe"? Everyone gives off different vibes and I, like most of you, prefer positive vibes. There is nothing so good as being the source of positive vibes (feelings and energy) in a place - any & every place you are.

Personally, one way I succeed in doing that is by volunteering. If you ask me to define volunteering, I'd use VIBE as a acronym and say: Volunteering Is Being Empowering... 
Voluntering is all about giving of yourself to benefit they can be better.

Image result for volunteers day I like the way Gillian Anderson puts it: 
"Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need." 

One thing I know is that women are almost always volunteering - their time, talents, ideas, ears, hands, shoulders and even tears. We need to realize how empowering those moments can be and maximize the value and virtue we carry around with us and/or spread at those times and places. The impact of volunteers is all around us. 

December 5 is International Volunteers Day as declared by the United Nations. So I join the world to thank you for volunteering - and thank you in advance for deciding to and continuing to volunteer. 
Spread the vibe!

If you need ideas on where and how to volunteer (strategically), feel free to reach out to me  via: 
- email: or 
- LinkedIn message:

Look inwards then step out...