The issue I see with this is that we set some unrealistic stretch goals that stress us. While there is nothing wrong with challenging yourself to do better, there is everything wrong with beating yourself up for not achieving your set (stretch) goals. Beating yourself up is counterproductive. The better approach is to look closely at why you did not meet the goals.
It could due to something wrong with the combination of tasks, tools and time. For instance, you may have been doing the wrong tasks with the right tools at the right time, doing the right tasks with the right tools at the wrong time or any other combination.
Whatever your root cause analysis unearths, it is very important not to let one failure or 2 or more make you a failure. It is simply a learning and growing opportunity.
Malcolm Forbes put it so well: "Failure is success if we learn from it." So show yourself some love, learn from the failure(s) and launch forward...success, beyond your imagination, awaits you.
If you need help finding success from a failure, contact me via email or LinkedIn.
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