Monday, July 15, 2019


A few months ago as we were preparing to head out for a morning walk, my husband started offering me a gadget to assist me. He then said, "If you are going to be doing this, you need to invest in some things." I fully agree(d) with him.

As we walked, the thought that crossed my mind was "Interest inspires investment!"

Monday, July 1, 2019

What's your balance?

We're now right into summer time...a time when some people slow down and when some don't.

The workplace is riddled with material and meetings about work-life balance.

Work-life balance means different things to different people. The important thing is that without life, you cannot work. So ensure that you take care to live* not just work.

Image result for live to work or work to live cartoon

*See post on "I live"

Look inwards then step out...