Saturday, June 15, 2019

It's all up to you...

Over the years, and more recently when coaching my clients, I have heard people incessantly compare themselves to others - in various areas of life. Well, I have even caught myself doing that!

The point of life is that everyone has a unique "life-map", such that even identical twins cannot have identical lives. There is no basis for comparison. Comparison is a total waste of time because it makes you expend energy competing with others who are steadily improving themselves.

If you must compare yourself to and compete with anyone else, compare yourself to yourself - daily.

Image result for look in the mirror

Who you are, or who you are not is all up to you. You have control over who you are and who you become. Look in the "mirror" and make the necessary adjustments to your attributes and attitudes.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Action attracts attention

It is easy to complain that nothing (good) comes your way - in your career and life. The question I have for such people is what are you doing? Of course it is easier to complain than to take action however complaining does not reduce or remove the "dis-ease" (or unease, if you prefer).

One good answer I have heard to that question is:
"I'm taking baby steps." Actually, it is a great answer because "baby steps" are steps. And every step is usually a set of "Specific Tasks Evidencing Progress" - and progress is what you need to move from where you are currently (that you don't want to and should not be) to where you should be (and want to be).

The other thing about taking baby steps is that it is always forward-focussed. No matter how many times a toddler falls, he/she gets up and keeps moving. I am yet to see the toddler that gives up on walking because he/she fell one too many times - and I'm sure I will never see any such toddler. Or have you?

The third thing is that "action attracts attention and assistance." When a toddler starts trying to and actually starts walking - baby steps - his/her parents (or grandparents and/or other caregivers) spring into action. They either take their baby-proofing to the next level and/or deliberately clear areas to make it easier and safer for the toddler to walk. You may have done this and/or noticed it. The toddler's action has attracted attention and assistance.

Similarly, when we spring into action to improve or change our circumstances rather than sit and moan about them, people around us pay attention and some step up to assist us (pun intended).

If you want others to step up to assist you, step out - even with baby steps because action attracts attention and assistance. If you feel stuck, take action and contact a coach it's an excellent baby step.

Look inwards then step out...