...determines what you get.
I'm sure a lot/ most of us have heard and know that we need to "ask to receive."
It's a phrase my husband reiterates over and over again and live by. I never cease to be amazed at the things he gets because he asks - even good deals on so labelled "lowest price" items.
This made me start thinking more and more about my ask - and how that has led to what I have received, or not. Thinking about our careers, your ask comprises your:
The KNOWLEDGE you acquire is a key building block for your life and career. I have a personal goal of learning at least one new thing each day.
It may seem like a lofty goal and it really isn't.
I remember my son teaching me how to use particular functions on Instagram. It was quite the eye-opener and saved me buying any specialized software to create simple things for posting.
The next building block is our SKILLS. It is difficult, dare I say impossible, to become skilled and something you do not know and do. So it is not enough to know how to do something...you need to do something with what you do know.
I know we are taught that we never forget how to ride a bicycle and it is true to an extent. If you let your bicycle go "rusty" due to lack of use, that skill will also become rusty such that you'll need to "clean" and "oil" your brain to access that skill.

Things may not always be great, but we can choose to be grateful always. Quip 70 in my book* says: "Gratitude is the best attitude that leads to a higher altitude & you don't need aptitude for it."
As we know, the most important of these 3 is your attitude. In positioning yourself to ask - and receive more, be intentional about being grateful for what you already have not grumble about all that you do not have. Your attitude determines whether you will gain skills and retain knowledge because it determines if others are willing to invest in you. Hence your ASK is really your Attitude, Skills and Knowledge because no one cares what you know in your head and can do with your hands if the attitude of your heart is bad.
*101 Quips and Quotes that will charge and change your life
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