I've been wanting to write and publish this piece in my Pastoral* blog but the piece didn't flow until I heard the Lord say "This is a topic for your Professional blog" i.e. this one, not the Pastoral or Personal** one and then elements came together. So here we go...

Several people have written and/or reposted articles on varius attributes of eagles that leaders should develop.
For this post, I'll just focus on 2 shared by Dr Myles Munroe**** (of blessed memory) & Gary Christian.*****
Eagles fly with Eagles: The fact that eagles fly with eagles does not mean that they look down on other birds...they just know and choose their company carefully. In your career and life, you need an appropriate support network and cannot afford to mix up with any and everybody. In each professional or personal relationship, you need to ensure that it is mutually-beneficial - you should either both be eagles or eagles-in-the-making which leads to the next point.

Eagles train their young: Soaring high is not enough for the eagle, they want their young ones/protegees to do same and take the time to train them. They coach and mentor their young ones. Now this is not about baby-sitting or hand-holding your subordinates or others around you. It is about knowing when to show or coach them how to do things and giving them space to fly - and possibly fail - then learn from it.
The quote in the picture above - source unknown - clearly states the difference between someone who is an eagle and someone who is "ego-ed."
Be an eagle - not ego-ed...encourage others to look up and soar too.
* http://mrs-pastor-and-pastor-mrs.blogspot.ca/
** http://sapphire-and-beryl.blogspot.ca/
*** http://empowered-women-excel.blogspot.ca/2012/04/eagles-attitudes.html
**** http://www.fyicomminc.com/gaianews/speech32.htm
***** http://www.garychristian.com/7-traits-of-eagles-and-how-they-can-improve-your-leadership/
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